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Greetings and Felicitations

Hello!!! Welcome to my blog, everyone! It's so very good to have you join me. In January of 2017, I began toying with the idea of starting my own business. It seemed like a fun idea ( I was going to buy professional costumes, dress in them and let people rent me out for kid's parties). As I spoke to my lifelong friend ( Or cousin, as I call her) Heidi Pisciotto, her exact words were, " When are you going to stop this s#@+ and do what you were meant to do? Write, dammit!" Many moons ago I used to write short stories, and I even wrote a novel back in 2000. I didn't know how to properly save the info, being so new at computers, and when my system crashed, I lost the story. All 24 chapters! It took me 17 years to attempt to write again, and now I just can't seem to stop!

I have so much going on in this brain! I have so many stories to tell and messages to share, the only problem I seem to have is being patient. I need to finish one story before I start the next, but as I'm writing this, my first novel ( The Heroes of Hanover Heights) is complete and going into the printing phase... my 2nd novel ( Shhh! I can't reveal the title yet) is off to the land of submissions and I have a book series and two other independent story ideas lying in wait! Every day, another idea hits me! So needless to say, I AM BUSY! I'm thrilled to have you all along as continue forward on this journey of becoming a published author. I thank the Lord, God, Almighty in heaven, for all of his many gifts and blessings. I am extremely grateful for all of the love, support and encouragement my family and friends have blessed me with. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me ANYTIME @ Have a wonderful day and thanks again!

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